Full Name
Sushil Jacob Jacob
Job Title
Senior Attorney For Economic Justice
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area
Speaker Bio
Sushil Jacob is Senior Attorney for Economic Justice at the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area (LCCR). At LCCR, Sushil manages the Legal Services for Entrepreneurs Program, which prioritizes providing legal services to entrepreneurs of color and low-income entrepreneurs. He is also developing the organization’s economic impact work, which is focused on preventing the displacement of historic small businesses by advancing community-centered economic institutions such as community land trusts and public banks.
Sushil is also a partner at the Tuttle Law Group, where he represents cooperative enterprises of all types, including employee-owned trusts and business owners who want to transition their business to cooperative ownership.
Sushil received his J.D. in 2011 from Berkeley Law. He serves on the boards of the Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union and the Sustainable Economies Law Center.
Sushil Jacob Jacob